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Fantastic post! I've seen these pics before... Yellow Jersey maybe... can't recall now. But GAWD they are just so damn beautiful I can't ever see them enough! Great to see the pics here with your great write-up of the event!!
So many thoughts... where to begin?
BB, what a legend and what amazing work. Bruce-great to read that he was just as consistant in person as on the Net! I wish you could recall what he said to you... I'd love to know.

It's funny, looking through all these fantastic pics-the Riv's look almost the least interesting. Yeah, it could be that I'm most familiar with them but it also just might be that they have a (dare I say it?!?!) "replica" feel to them instead of the other photos depict... "The Real Thing".

Great Work!! Please do a Pt. II

-Me (Large Fella)

Greg Pitman

Scott, thanks. These pictures have never been posted. Another attendee of the Velo posted the pictures he took on the Yellow Jersey site. I thought they were as good or better than mine, so I never posted them anywhere. Also, Chuck has pictures posted at his site, so I figured there was no need for more.

The thing is that everyone has a little different perspective, so you get a slightly different look from each photographer. It was my first visit to a vintage bike show, so I was like a kid in a candy store. I spent the entire morning taking pictures.

The real reason I posted this was your interview series. I thought it might give a slightly different take on these few frame builders. Kind of like catching glimpses of the beasts in their natural habitats. :)

And yes, when taken in context with the amazing bikes they emulate the Rivendells take on a different look. But still very pretty. My favorites though were the unusual and very old bikes like the Flying Gate, Moorson, Thanet and others.

I wish the hell I could remember my conversation with Bruce also. It was very brief, and I was laughing at the end, but I can't remember the actual dialogue.

I'll try and do a part 2 this week with a bunch more pictures. Hopefully it will make a nice counterpoint to your series on custom builders.



I'm pretty much a bike junkie.

I like ALL the pics. Sure wish I could afford one of each:-)

Thanks for taking the time to post them.



Yep, stand corrected... I saw Chuck's pics before not yours.

More, more, more!! That's my vote for a Part 2!

BTW, have another installment of my FBQ up over at my blog as of a couple minutes ago.

Check her out when you get some time.

-Me (Large Fella)


"What will happen to all these wonderful machines when we are gone?"

Well, there's me, and your son, for two who will ride them. I have a feeling we're not the only ones.


Great picures, again. We may have to take the Rivendell secret decoder ring away from the guy with the poor wrap job that left the brake lever clamp exposed. -2 for that.



It looks like it might be leather. Plus he had to go over the bar end cables. Maybe he didn't have enough.

I added your site to my links.

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